Taps in Tempo

  • General Piece Details
  • Made available: Thu, 27 Jun 2024
    Status: Active Programme
    Music Category: Xylophone Solo
    Part of public repertoire? No
    Arranger: Rodney Newton
    Composer: Jan Berenska
    Duration: 2m 36s
  • Notes for members
  • Taps in Tempo (youtube.com)

    This piece was written for the Welsh percussionist Leslie Lewis. Born in the Rhondda Valley, Lewis became a pupil of the legendary Ernest Parsons, timpanist and founder member of the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, a member of the instrument manufacturing family of E.A. Parsons & Company and an internationally-renowned authority on timpani and percussion. Lewis joined Parsons in the CBSO, becoming principal percussionist and later he was appointed solo percussionist with the BBC Theatre Orchestra in London. Sadly, the very morning he was to take up his new appointment, he stepped off the Birmingham train at Euston station, suffered a heart attack and died there and then on the platform - a tragic end to a promising career. 


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  • History/Schedule
  • Date Event ActivityMinutesRun byDetails/Notes
    Sun, 14 Jul 2024Wetherby Band StandPerform music5Leigh Baker 
    Total time: 5 minutes